Crookhey Hall strives to provide an inclusive curriculum in a nurturing and structured learning environment.
We want all our pupils whatever their background, culture or need to feel safe, secure and valued to enable them to develop academically, socially, emotionally and morally and fulfil their potential. Different strategies will be used at different times as needs arise, we provide a safe, caring and tolerant place that allows pupils to want to re-engage with their learning.
We are committed to delivering a personalised curriculum driven by accurate assessments of pupil needs and preferences alongside their strengths and areas for development. Pupils are provided with appropriate and challenging pathways helping them to realise their highest abilities.
We have the highest of expectations for our pupils and offer an environment where staff deliver an exciting, creative and innovative curriculum with a wide variety of on-site vocational opportunities. The curriculum encourages the application and use of emerging technologies and seeks to provide confidence, achievement and good behaviour. It is further enhanced by high quality visits and visitors.
The curriculum is complemented by an intensive focus on teaching and teaching and learning programmes, which seek to accelerate basic skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT.
Our key principle behind the design of our curriculum are for our young people:
- To raise the levels of attainment, enabling them to achieve their personal best
- Develop confident and enquiring learners who are able to make informed choices
- Make teaching and learning an enjoyable experience
- Build on natural curiosity and enthusiasm for learning
- Develop their communication skills
- Promote self-esteem and self-confidence
- Access additional therapeutic support based on individual needs
- Be kind; showing empathy and compassion whilst valuing diversity
- Have aspirations for the future and know that these can be reached through hard work and determination
The school attaches great importance on providing a varied and stimulating experience. Class groups are small with a high staffing ratio. This allows us to provide programmes of study which are personalised to meet individual needs.
Assessment of pupils’ needs forms an integral part of the induction and monitoring process and staff work closely with each young person to provide an appropriate, challenging and positive educational experience. At Key Stage 3, the school provides a balanced curriculum which includes English, Maths, Science, ICT, Design Technology, Horticulture, PE, Outdoor Education, Art and P.S.H.E.
A prime focus is on the development of literacy and numeracy. In Key Stage 4, the focus is on accredited pathways. The opportunity to take GCSE examinations sits alongside our excellent vocational curriculum, functional skills and Entry Level Certification. Vocational accreditation is available in Horticulture, Hair and Beauty, Catering, Construction and Mechanics and pupils can follow a programme of study in Small Animal Care. We also offer accredited college courses in Welding and Vehicle Maintenance. Unit Award accreditation’s have been introduced with a focus on individual learning targets assessed though a portfolio of evidence of project based activities. These qualifications are available across both key stages and offer a sound introduction to accredited study . All accreditation is recognised through the Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF).
Examination Results 2023 – 2024
Examination Results 2022 – 2023
Trips and Activities
As part of their social and emotional development, pupils have the opportunity each Friday afternoon to participate in a range of extra-curricular activities including but not exclusive to : golf, swimming, football, boxing, art, computing, fishing, construction, horticulture, small animal care, gym and cookery.
Other activities may include, theatre visits, field trips and visits, themed activity days, external speakers and visiting practitioners, snowboarding, skiing and bmxing.
Just recently pupils have been fortunate enough to have a go at Bmxing at Preston Pirates BMX track. Pupils received quality professional coaching from a senior national coach which developed all pupils’ skill levels and confidence to ride faster and safer.
Multi Skills
Within the department we aim to enable a student to discover their own natural talents, helping them to progress with confidence in a supportive and safe learning environment. When we see a young person progressing their skills and gaining satisfaction from what they have achieved, it’s a great feeling.
From brickwork to plastering, plumbing to electrical work; the BTEC “Introduction to Construction” qualification allows the Multi skills Department staff to create a course that is individual to each student and focuses on their strengths and abilities. The course offers our students a two year head-start on other school leavers hoping to move into the construction industry whether through an apprenticeship or through further education.
The Multi Skills facilities are open to all year groups with the younger pupils able to participate in a wide range of practical activities in readiness for the BTEc Level 1 award in construction, Level 1 award in transport and vehicle and Level 1 in engineering when they reach Year 10.
The Horticulture department offers the pupils an opportunity to not only work towards a qualification but to also develop the site as well as the department. The qualification is run through City & Guilds and is a Level 1 Diploma in Horticulture skills.
The qualification itself is split into three levels; this allows all learners to achieve a qualification dependent on their individual needs and abilities. Each level is equivalent to a number of credits. The qualification is a practical based qualification which is well suited to many of our learners. All pupils who take the course will come away with a qualification.
The three levels of attainment within the qualification are: Award (6 credits), Certificate (18 credits) and Diploma (37 credits). The course is run over twelve months and the pupils work towards specific units/credits. Each unit is then practiced by the pupil and then assessed internally towards the level of qualification they are working towards.
The department is very well equipped. We have a forty foot Polly tunnel, a greenhouse, a potting shed, a tool and store shed as well as all the tools and equipment necessary to run the full Diploma. The pupils learn all aspects of horticulture and grow their own vegetables, some of which are used by the school kitchen.
The pupils also develop the site and are responsible for all the construction work as well as repairs and upkeep of the department. They are also encouraged to make decisions on the purchase of plants and materials as well as the development of the site. This course is therefore very well suited to those pupils who prefer practical based qualifications.
Crookhey Hall School currently offers a combined humanities curriculum for Key Stage 3. Included in this topic based course are elements of Geography and History.
Physical, Human and Environmental Geography are studied in different topics e.g. Ecosystems: Rain-forests, Tectonic processes, Economic activity and tourism. Pupils gain an understanding of the world around them and how human interactions can affect the planet/place.
In the history topics pupils will be encouraged to discuss what they know about historical events and people. Topics included in the history part of humanities are the The Vikings, Making of the UK 1500-1750, Medieval Realms and World War II.
Pupils will be encouraged to take a wider view of the world around them and the history that has made us who we are, and the world what it is today.
At Crookhey Hall we embrace a whole school approach to improving literacy. We see it as central to our philosophy and commitment to help our pupils achieve their potential. As part of this commitment, the school operates the Excel programme whereby pupils identified as requiring additional support receive one to one input from a team of teachers and support staff to target identified areas of difficulty. Literacy progression is carefully monitored by the school SENCo and support adjusted as appropriate. Pupils requiring additional support are provided with their own folder of work based on need and this is supported and driven by the school SENCo. All staff are required to provide input towards the IEP process and their maintenance and as such, there is a whole school drive to promote literacy as key to success across the curriculum.
At Key stage 3 we encourage pupils to be imaginative and explore the use of the English language using written and verbal tasks. Some of the previous topics used have been designing their own superheroes and writing a survival guide if they were stranded in a desert. The pupils that have taken part in these topics seem to have thoroughly enjoyed it and have learnt that they can express themselves better than they ever imagined.
At Key Stage 4 we offer a range of qualifications in English including Functional skills from entry level 1 through to Level 2, Level 2 being the equivalent of a GCSE Grade C. We also offer GCSE accreditation in this subject to all our pupils. Functional skills are offered to allow our pupils a head start when they leave Crookhey and enter a college, where all pupils undertaking a vocational diploma need a functional skills qualification, whether they have a GCSE in English or not. These qualifications work well with the vocational curriculum that Crookhey Hall offers.
The newly formed literacy team are keen to ensure that all the pupils who pass through Crookhey Hall are given the best possible opportunity to achieve a qualification in English and more importantly gain the literacy skills needed for life outside of school.
Maths and Numeracy
Our overall aim is to present Maths and Numeracy as a challenging, exciting, relevant and creative subject. The Crookhey Hall School Maths department believes very strongly in enrichment, trying to provide the pupils with every possible opportunity to explore mathematics beyond just preparing for exams. Mathematics at Crookhey Hall School is a vibrant and popular subject.
In Maths, we strive to make sure that our students enjoy lessons while being encouraged and challenged at all times and always with measurable progress in mind. The students are offered material that allows them to think about Mathematics in a creative way, functionally and with heavy emphasis on Key Skills and Skills for Life.
Mathematics at Crookhey provides opportunities for pupils to develop and acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to the changing world they live, for example the key skills of:
- Communication
- Application of numbers
- IT
- Working with others
- Improving own learning and performance
- Problem solving
- Thinking skills
- Financial capability
- Enterprise and entrepreneurial skills
Work related learning
The subject is taught in a very structured way, so that previous learning is built upon and enhanced. The needs of those who find Mathematics more demanding are considered at all times. They are taught in very small groups and the caring and encouraging approach of the Maths staff allows the pupils to blossom and overcome any misapprehensions they may have previously had about the subject.
All pupils study functional maths alongside Entry Level and GCSE qualifications. These encourage pupils to demonstrate their mathematical skills in a range of contexts and for various purposes. They are essentially concerned with developing and recognising the ability of learners to apply and transfer skills in ways that are appropriate to their situation. These qualifications help give our young people the best possible prospects for the future. All the Maths qualifications we offer at Crookhey Hall are recognised and highly regarded by Further Education institutions, meaning our pupils leave in a fantastic position to access whatever future they may choose after leaving the school.
When pupils leave Crookhey Hall School, we hope their Mathematics lessons have helped develop and shape them to reflect understandings and processes that are meaningful, important and useful to individuals and society.
P.S.H.E is a part of the curriculum. Pupils should develop a range of skills over the key stages.
These include:-
Contributing sensibly to discussions and listening to the views of others
Researching and planning using a variety of sources and methods
Analysing and evaluating sources used, questioning different ideas and recognising bias
Questioning and reflecting on ideas, opinions and values especially when exploring controversial issues and problems
Developing key life skills
There are three core elements which define P.S.H.E, these are:
Personal Well-being – pupils will have opportunities to gain a better understanding of issues which may affect them and their decisions as they mature. It includes exploring lifestyle choices and behaviours and the effects on themselves, their families and communities.
Economic Well-being – pupils will gain a better understanding of personal finance including budgeting and exploring a range of products and services.
Citizenship – in citizenship lessons pupils will have a range of opportunities to explore and evaluate what it means to be a ‘citizen’. This includes exploring laws and how they are made and shaped by people and processes and the actions people can take to influence national decision making and beyond.
The programme in years 10 and 11 builds on the work done at key stage 3. The current assessment in P.S.H.E is through the AQA Entry Level Certificates.
Relationships and Sex Education for Key Stage 3 and 4 focuses on giving young people the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds including:
- Families
- Respectful relationships, including friendships
- Online and media
- Being safe
- Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health
These areas of learning are taught within the context of family life taking care to ensure that there is no stigmatisation of children based on their home circumstances (families can include single parent families, LGBT+ parents, families headed by grandparents, adoptive parents, foster parents/carers amongst other structures) along with reflecting sensitively that some children may have a different structure of support around them (for example: looked after children or young carers).
Pupils’ development in RSE is monitored by class teachers as part of our internal assessment systems. Pupil progress is tracked and monitored using our online assessment system SOLAR.
The National Curriculum has three statutory aims. It should enable all young people to become:
Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.
The study of science stimulates pupils’ curiosity about the world around them and offers opportunities to find explanations. It is delivered to engage learners at many levels, linking direct practical experience with scientific ideas.
Experimentation, discussions and modelling are used to develop and evaluate explanations, encouraging critical and creative thoughts.
Key stage three at Crookhey broadly follows the national curriculum taught in main stream schools.
It also lays down the foundation for key stage four, a period in which pupils will follow the GCSE pathway. Here Edexcel GCSE Science is taught with the intention of giving pupils skills to think, practically examine and relate topics to every day practical use.
We are also able to make strong cross-curricular links between science, horticulture and environmental studies, giving the curriculum meaning and relevance across a range of subjects.
The ICT department offers pupils a range Functional Skills qualifications that are designed to equip learners with the confidence and ability to use ICT systems and tools. To find, select, develop, present, and communicate information. They’re assessed by a single, external, paper-based test that’s completed at a computer.
The qualifications are designed to give learners the skills to operate confidently, effectively and independently in education, work and everyday life. They have been created in response to employers’ perceptions that many learners are not achieving a sufficiently firm grounding in the basics. The aims of these qualifications are to develop learner understanding and skills in: Using ICT, finding and selecting information, developing, presenting and communicating information.
Learners begin by working towards an entry 3 qualification then progress to level 1 then 2. Learners progress through the qualifications at their own individual level and may re- take exams. The school has recently installed a new ICT suite that includes interactive smartboard, super fast desktop PC’s that have Windows 10 installed, the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system. The room has been designed with students in mind and has black swivel leather chairs, stereo and digital headphones and printing and photocopying facilities. Students enjoy ICT lessons and also spending time in the ICT suite during enrichment activities.
Hair and Beauty
The Hair and Beauty Salon at Crookhey Hall School is a fully equipped professional salon. It has the facilities to offer all aspects of hair and beauty including; hair cutting hair styling and barbering, Perming and all colouring including tints and foils. Beauty treatments including eyebrow and eyelash tinting, eyebrow waxing, Gel nails, manicure and nail art. Skin treatments and Make-up for all occasions.
Pupils have a combination of theory lessons and practical lessons and follow the Pearson BTEC Level 1 Award/Certificate in Introduction to Hair and Beauty.
The courses have been developed to give learners the opportunity to: Engage in learning which is relevant to them and will provide opportunities to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life.
The 9-credit Pearson BTEC Level 1 Award provides an introduction to the skills, qualities and knowledge that may be required for employment in a particular vocational sector. The 15-credit Pearson BTEC Level 1 Certificate extends the work-related focus from the Pearson BTEC Level 1 Award and covers some of the knowledge and practical skills required for a particular vocational sector. The Pearson BTEC Level 1 Certificate offers an engaging programme for those who are clear about the vocational area that they wish to learn more about. These learners may wish to extend their programme through the study of a related GCSE, a complementary NVQ or other related vocational or personal and social development qualification. These learning programmes can be developed to allow learners to study complementary qualifications without duplication of content.
Pupils enjoy spending time in the Salon both during lessons and enrichment activities. It is an excellent resource for bringing students together and supporting one another in improving their outward personal appearances.
Crookhey Hall School is committed to raising achievement and enabling pupils to recognise their potential and supporting them through a broad, personalised, engaging curriculum. Our priority is to develop the foundation knowledge and skills required to make a manageable and smooth transition to the next life stage. We aim for pupils to leave here with an awareness of the wider world and its past.
The school’s creative curriculum aims to provide students with a broad and balanced experience of Art, through drawing, painting, printmaking, digital media and sculpture through which they will be able to express themselves and develop an interest in creative activities, which will complement their wider studies and experiences. It will also improve positive social interaction and social skills between peers in collaborative work.
The Arts is a way of communication and is an important aspect of developing children’s creative and sensory development. This allows children to make thoughtful judgements about life and helps them to shape the environment and also to understand how the Arts has both reflected and shaped the history of our nation.
We are committed to providing a differentiated, comprehensive and secure programme of Creative education that will benefit all students and in turn encouraging pupils to develop an enjoyment of these subjects. We would like as many students as possible to be accessing the Arts in order to achieve their personal best.
Our curriculum provides the opportunity for our students to take part an array of learning experiences. Including visiting local historic sites as part of photography sessions, primary observational drawing of the beautiful and dynamic scenery of the Forest of Bowland and the annual trip to Liverpool Tate.
What does excellent teaching and learning look like in Art?
Students should feel comfortable to express their thoughts and feelings through the arts. Whether this is through improvisation or collective experience. As a department we have the ambition to ensure students feel connected with the arts along with aspirations to develop their skills as part of the wider life chances. Teachers should facilitate student’s expression and nurture a full experience of the arts. The curriculum will reflect personalised learning and differentiation to allow all students to access Art. As well as building the core skills there is a focus on exploring a wide range of Art mediums to foster enjoyment and interest in the Arts. Art is also provided as a Friday enrichment option for students who want to push and challenge their Art skills further.
How is Art taught in the Crookhey Hall Curriculum (KS2 & 3)?
In the Arts, students are offered a broad curriculum which focuses on a wide range of techniques and processes, which allows the students to develop a broad range of practical art skills and an understanding of both historical and contemporary art practice. Art for KS2/3 focuses on developing core skills in drawing and fine art as a foundation and putting down the building blocks on which to base a secure Artist practice. Year 9 gives students more scope to explore a range of media and allows students to develop their art skills in preparation for studying GCSE art in year 10 and 11. The arts are an important way of communication and is able to develop students creative and sensory development. The foundation arts curriculum provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences. Pupils are encouraged to experiment with a range of materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think.
How is Art taught in the Crookhey Hall Curriculum (KS4)?
In the Arts, students are offered a broad curriculum which focuses on a wide range of techniques and processes, which allows the students to develop a broad range of practical art skills and an understanding of both historical and contemporary art practice. KS4 focuses on developing on the building blocks to explore art mediums in more depth to improve technical skill, explore the work of Artists and to be able to analyse their own work and the work of others. Students are encouraged to develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources. In KS4 students work towards GCSE Fine Art which encompasses a broad curriculum including drawing, painting, printmaking, digital media and sculpture. Students refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes. GCSE Fine Art focuses on creating work that is personal and meaningful, allowing students to personalise their learning and explore their own ideas, interests and feelings. Pupils are encouraged to experiment with a range of materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. At KS4 a GCSE Art Portfolio focuses on presenting a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.
Creative Arts
Creative arts is taught termly in year 7 and 8 and encompasses an introduction of drama and music. External providers are utilised to enhance the curriculum and pupils’ experiences. Crookhey Hall School plays host to theatre groups and have an annual trip out to at least one pantomime or show.
Music is a powerful form of communication that can change the way children feel, think and act. It brings together intellect and feeling and enables children to express themselves personally and promotes emotional development. The teaching of music at Crookhey Hall develops pupils ability to listen and appreciate a wide variety of music from a range of cultures and traditions. Pupils are encouraged to become involved in different forms of music making, both communal and individual. It also increases self-discipline and creativity.
Through Drama, Children are taught to communicate with others in new ways. It can help them develop tolerance and empathy. Drama stimulates creativity and problem-solving skills. It can challenge students’ perceptions about their world and themselves. Drama can provide a vital outlet for emotions, thoughts and ideas that pupils might not otherwise have the means to express in a safe, nurturing environment. Above all else drama is a group activity that fosters the ability to work as a community and have shared meaningful experiences.
In Key stage four creative arts is taught throughout the curriculum including role plays, debates and participating in plays.